Betta fish are extremely rewarding pets, and because they are always active, when your fish become blind, there are crucial elements that you need to follow to improve their lives, from feeding to tank care.
How Blind Betta Fish Went Blind?
Betta fish can go blind for different reasons, which include:
Typically, a Cataract is a common disease that affects aging species found in the betta family. Mainly, this disease can develop among these fish species due to a lot of protein content in their diet or too much carbohydrate in the fish body stream.
Therefore, to prevent this disease occurrence, ensure that you keep the carbohydrates and protein levels in their diet in moderation. Also, please keep the right amount of vitamins and minerals in their feed.
The availability of too many toxins in the fish tank water can also accelerate the development of cataracts. Therefore, keep these substances away from your tank water as soon as you notice them.
Catalyst can lead to a complete loss of vision for the betta fish. As a result, it would be best to take extra care when treating your blind betta fish with cataracts, just like a person affected with diabetes.
When something solid or another fish hits your betta fish, its eyes may get some injury and suffer some trauma.
Damage to the cornea is the standard type of this type of injury. This type of fish has a poor sense of depth and may not see objects clearly in their way.
Internal eye problems may cause some, but these challenges are rare.
The best treatment for these traumatic challenges is to ensure that these injuries are treated well and in good time.
Parasitic Infections
If you are keeping betta fish at home in an aquarium, there is a possibility that they may be attacked with parasites.
Usually, parasites may get into your betta fish’s tiny blood vessels after eating food that contains these small parasites. They will affect your fish and even lead to loss of their sight.
There are so many parasites that can infest your betta fish, the most commonly found are the fill parasites, gill flukes, and bacteria.
Others include tapeworm that usually settles under the fish’s skin. If it finds its way into the fish mouth, it will be in serious problem because when the warm find its way into the fish nerve endings, it develops the swim bladder.
This will affect the fish’s breathing, and it may suffocate when it falls over onto its back and affect its guts.
Bacteria Infections
When your Blind Betta Fish develops a bacterial infection and is not correctly treated, it can become blind.
The leading cause of bacteria infestation in the fish tank is due to ammonia and nitrogenous wastes development. Once this waste accumulates at any point in the tank, it will catalyze bacteria growth, leading to fish blindness.
To avoid bacteria infestation from developing in your fish tank. It would be best to ensure that your tank has proper filtration devices fitted well to remove the ammonia present in its water.
Suppose you do not know how to remove ammonia from your fish tank. It is better to buy a nitrogen filtration system.
Blind Betta Fish Appearance
Blind Betta Fish is famous because of its unique colorful nature.
Their flamboyant lovely looking fin gives them an appearance of a Spanish flamenco dancer as they dance around their habitat displaying their bright fins.
The male betta fish has fancy flowing tails that have unique patterns of vivid colors. Therefore, the male ones are prized high compared to their female counterparts by aquarists and hobbies.
There are over 70 types of betta fish species worldwide. Differentiating them comes from the colors, tail types, body patterns that these beautiful fish have.
Betta Fish comes in many colors; some are vivid to plain whites and black, while others have two-toned or different pigmentations.
These fish are mainly visible in a simple color in the wild, but those kept in captivity mostly appear in vibrant colors or shades.
Tank Requirements
Setting up and maintaining a Blind Betta Fish aquarium for each type of this fish species is complex, time-consuming, and expensive.
Therefore, it is advisable to keep them alone in the tank without another type of fish for a pet.
Ensure that their environment is as natural as possible compared to their natural habitat.
Generally, ensure that their tank is big enough to hold 10 gallons of water. However, keeping a single betta fish requires a 5-gallon tank, but it would be best to keep them in more water.
Since betta fish loves swimming from left to right in shallower water, it would be best to build a tank that is not deep for them to enjoy their swimming habits.
Further, choose a standard square tank instead of a bowl. The rounded bowl type may limit filter options which are essential to reduce bacteria disorders that may affect the fish in their new habitat.
Most tap waters contain chlorine and chloramine. These elements are not favorable for betta fish and may kill them.
Ensure that before you introduce them into their new environment, you treat the water properly using a water conditioner before adding it to the aquarium.
Set your tank correctly with some active filters to improve oxygen levels because blind betta fish prefers low-flow settings.
Also, you have to cycle, substrate, and decorate your tank water for a time before introducing your new fish into the tank.
Use testing kits to find out if the tank is through with cycling. This process is critical because it allows bacteria to develop in the tank.
Bacteria are crucial for toxic ammonia breaking down once the fish are introduced.
About 10% of your tank’s water should be removed and replaced weekly.
Use a gravel vacuum to remove the waste materials deposit from the substrate. Never use harsh chemicals and soap to clean your aquarium because these elements are lethal to Blind Betta Fish.
Water parameters or requirements
You should maintain the water temperature suitable for Blind Betta Fish between 76 to 82 degrees. Therefore, you should never rear these fish with goldfish because they need cold water to be happy.
Keep your fish aquarium in a spot where you can easily monitor and control light and temperature to remain constant. Avoid keeping plants on the water surface as they will hold the oxygen levels that the fish requires on the water’s surface.
How To Take Care Of Blind Betta Fish In Aquarium
Blind Betta Fish Food
Betta fish are carnivores, and their survival is dependent on consuming insects and larvae. Therefore, inside the tank, you have to feed them on a balanced diet rich in a lot of protein.
Additionally, you can provide them with flakes, frozen foods, or pellets mainly made for them.
Feed your blind betta fish by placing food on their mouth directly using objects like tweezers or a syringe that does not have a needle.
You can also set their food on a floating betta log for easy access or feed worms using a chopstick.
Use Signals During Feeding Time
Your blind better fish may not have a feeding time. Therefore, come up with a signal like tapping the water or swishing your fingers inside the water, which will alert them that it is time to feed.
Use Safe Sponge Filters
You can also use a sponge filter for your blind betta fish for their safety. They are always affected by strong currents usually created by powerhead filters and other devices that make robust flows in the tank.
Therefore, a sponge filter will be an idea as it creates a smooth current for your fish to navigate with ease.
Tank Lighting
Ideally, betta fish are always active and need time to sleep, just like other animals. Caring for your blind fish needs providing them with 8-10 hours of light during the day.
You can keep your aquarium light on a timer so that your fish does not become stressed due to light or darkness all over.
Keeping your fish tank on a timer to control light may be advisable. If your tank has more plants, you will need more intense light.
Tank Heater
Blind Betta Fish originated in Asia, where they were found in streams, small pools, and rice patties. These places experience high temperatures.
Therefore, for your blind fish to be in good health, your fish tank has to have a heater that will ensure the water has a temperature of 78°F to 80°F that suits them.
Your blind betta fish may need all the help you can provide for them to leave well and regain their health. Ensure that you create a specific spot that they will know its mend for feeding time, come up with signals to alert them because they are intelligent creatures.
Generally, ensure that you provide your Blind Betta Fish with a decent size tank, change water frequently, a heater, and a filter to help them live a healthy and long life.