As terrestrial creatures, box turtles primarily spend their time on land. However, this does not imply that they are unable to swim. In fact, box turtles, native to North America, are known for their distinct domed shells and the ability to retract into them fully. But Can Box Turtles Swim?
The short answer is Yes; box turtles can swim. The critical thing to remember is that many of these species can stay underwater but still need to be more coordinated in water as they lack the innate ability to swim.
Can Box Turtles Swim?

Yes, Box Turtles can swim and are known for their domed shells & ability to retract into them entirely.
There is no doubt that box turtles can swim, and it is quite possible to see them swimming in the wild from time to time.
However, most species of box turtles are not capable enough to swim underwater and often need to be more competent when doing it.
They are less masterful in the water than other aquatic species, such as cooters and red-eared sliders. Box Turtles have shorter and separate toes making them less agile in the water. This is because the species prefer shallow water rather than deep water.
While box turtles require time in the water, their needs and habits differ from those of aquatic species like painted turtles.
So, therefore, it is recommended that you build an appropriate habitat for them with shallow water rather than deep water.
Do All Species Of Box Turtles Swim?
Numerous box turtle species & subspecies can be discovered in the wild. But some of the most notable species that are kept as pets are the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina), ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata), and desert box turtle (Terrapene ornata luteola).
However, countless other species of turtles are available, many of which are also occasionally kept as pets.
Although box turtles have the ability to swim, one thing to consider is that while they possess the ability to swim, their swimming skills may not be as polished as those of other aquatic species.
The Coahuilan box turtle is the type of turtle that is an example that spends a significant amount of time in the water despite its awkward swimming style.
How Long Can Box Turtles Swim?
As previously mentioned, box turtles are not built for extended aquatic excursions, unlike their pond turtle counterparts. Despite this, they do possess a fondness for water and can often be observed indulging in it in their natural habitats. These turtles thrive in a wide range of environments, from arid deserts to marshy meadows, floodplains, and beyond.
Desert box turtles, for example, may inhabit arid regions, while common box turtles are commonly found in marshy meadows, floodplains, and other ecosystems containing water bodies. The same holds true for Florida box turtles, which are commonly found in damp environments such as swamps, marshlands, and wetlands.
Box turtles typically enter the water when they need to reach a specific location or cool off. They do not spend their entire lives in the water, and it is unlikely to come across one swimming in a river or lake. However, they may be soaking in small, shallow ponds for extended periods. It is worth noting that box turtles will only remain in water deep enough to swim in for a brief period of time before returning to land.
Can Box Turtles Swim Underwater?
As previously noted, box turtles are not known for their aquatic prowess. They can typically swim for short distances and only in shallow water before needing to come ashore for a break.
Unlike other aquatic species such as cooters, map turtles, and snapping turtles, one rarely encounters a box turtle swimming underwater. The inability to swim underwater is not due to a lack of capability but rather a preference for floating on the surface.
The anomaly to this convention is the Coahuilan box turtle, which is also known as the aquatic box turtle. Even this subspecies prefers to swim in shallow waters and can often be found underwater. In general, box turtles may not be strong swimmers, but they can traverse shallow waters.
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Can Box Turtles Survive or Swim Underwater?
It is essential to note that while box turtles can swim, their proficiency in the activity is limited compared to aquatic species such as sea turtles and pond turtles.
They struggle to navigate deep waters and can easily succumb to drowning. Additionally, their effectiveness in fast-moving water is also subpar. Furthermore, their breath-holding abilities are not exceptional.
However, as with any generalization, there are exceptions. The Coahuilan box turtle, which is also known as the aquatic box turtle, stands out as an exception to this rule. These turtles exhibit a high degree of comfort in deep waters, often spending over 90% of their time submerged. They can swim for prolonged periods without the need to surface.
Can A Box Turtle Drown?
As aquatic creatures, box turtles are susceptible to drowning, just like other turtles. However, unlike their marine turtle counterparts, they possess limited underwater endurance and may succumb to submersion more swiftly. It is crucial to take note of this when providing them with a water source.
Except for the Coahuilan box turtle, which is known for its aquatic proficiency, you must ensure that the water depth is shallow enough for the turtle to stand with its head above water. This will ensure the turtle’s safety and well-being.
How Much Water Do Box Turtles Need?
While box turtles bear a resemblance to tortoises, they necessitate a higher level of hydration and humidity. The quantity of water required for a box turtle varies depending on the species of box turtle you have. For instance, desert box turtles require less water than Florida box turtles.
If you intend to accommodate your box turtle in an outdoor partition, ensure that a flat tray of water is provided where the turtle can drink and soak. Additionally, the section should be misted regularly, at least twice a day, and the humidity level should be maintained at around 65% for the common box turtle.
For the aquatic box turtle (Coahuilan box turtle), a specialized aquarium is required as it spends considerable time in the water. The enclosure should be able to hold at least 75 gallons of water and must also include an enormous expanse of dry surface for the turtle to walk, dry off and bask on.
Even with the aquatic box turtle, it is essential to ensure that the water in the aquarium isn’t deep enough for them to drown in, and they can quickly resurface if required.
Can A Box Turtle Swim In Tap Water?
As previously explained, box turtles need a significant amount of water and humidity to maintain their health.
They should have access to an external water source for soaking, and their partition must be regularly misted to ensure a suitable moisture level.
However, evaluating the quality of water provided to these turtles is essential.
Chlorine and chloramines, which are generally found in tap water, can harm turtles as they irritate their eyes and cause discoloration on their shells. To avoid these problems, you should nourish your turtle with bottled mineral water or distilled water.
This type of water is appropriate for box turtles such as the common box turtle and the desert box turtle, as they do not require enormous amounts of water, typically a few liters every few weeks.
This will assure you that your turtle has access to clean and safe water to promote their overall health and well-being.
Box turtles make for delightful pets, and their care is relatively easy as they do not necessitate an aquatic habitat. Nevertheless, they do have water needs and thrive in high-humidity environments. They relish the opportunity to soak and swim occasionally.
It is worth stating that they are not aquatic creatures, and while they can swim, they do not possess the natural ability to do so as efficiently as other pond turtles. They lack webbed toes, which further accentuates this.
The aquatic box turtle, also named the Coahuilan box turtle, is an anomaly to this rule. As its name implies, this species is a competent swimmer and spends most of its time in the water. They possess webbed toes, which aid them in swimming.
So, Can Box Turtles Swim? In summary, they can, but box turtles are not proficient swimmers & should not be placed in deep waters as it poses a risk of drowning.
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